RV Power Outlet Meter Socket Style; Ring-Type vs Ringless

Ring-Type vs Ringless

When asked if you have a meter socket preference, it’s likely you are being asked if you prefer a ring-type (RT) or ringless (RL) style meter socket.  Contrary to the belief of many, an electric meter has NO RING, it’s the meter socket that does!  When buying electric meters for an RV Pedestal or RV Surface Box, the same meter can be used for either style meter socket.  Don’t be the person that says, “I need to order some ringless meters”, there is no such thing!

Although they perform the same function and use the same size and type of meter, there are some physical distinctions between the two. The main differentiator is the way the meter is secured to the meter socket.  An aluminum ring is most popular, either a snap-type ring or a screw-type ring.  It’s not unusual to wrestle with the hasp on a snap-type ring when securing a meter – they are very tight!  With a screw-type ring you can loosen the ring in order to get it around the meter and then screw the ring closed.

The ringtype (RT) socket has no door or cover.  It is a circular opening on an RV Pedestal or RV Surface Box that you plug/ push the meter directly into.  Then, a snap-type or screw-type meter ring goes around the meter to secure it.  Ringless (RL) style metering uses the cover, which has a lip to hold the meter in place.   Basically, you plug the meter in and then close the cover to hold the meter in place.  The cover has a built-in ring and allows you to remove the cover without removing the meter when testing or servicing is required.  With either style, a sealing or locking mechanism (e.g., Budco, security tag, sealing lock) is used and once sealed, there is no way to remove the meter without signs of tampering.  If there is ever a question as to which metering enclosure to use, please contact your local utility company.

Dependent on the application (residential, commercial, or industrial), and geographic location, in most instances it is your choice as to which style to use.  When used at an RV site or campsite, this is a sub-meter situation and you read the meter and charge your camper accordingly; so typically, the utility company does not have a requirement or opinion.  However, this is not always the case so be sure to check with your utility before making any purchase decisions.

You can see our RV Power Outlets in the product catalog!

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